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Why African Apologist?

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Having previously engaged in a debate on the existence of God, I noticed that finally the questions degenerated into how we could believe in Jesus who is viewed as a Western God and not African. Wasn’t the gospel the tool used by the colonialist to subdue us?As it is proverbially said, they came holding the bible in their hands and we had the land, they asked us to close our eyes and pray. When we opened our eyes, we had the bible and they had the land. How then can we trust such a God who stole from us?

What was wrong with our culture and religion? Are you implying that our forefathers were primitive? Isn’t this Neo-colonialism clothed in holy grail.

These and many more advice the reason for this blog. Jesus as a whole covenant Messiah died for all. We invite you to take a journey with us as we investigate these and much much more

1 Pet 3:15 : Sanctify Christ in your heart and be ready to give a reason for the hope you have in Christ

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